• Richard Charlie
  • June 16, 2020

If I asked you what or who is the future of this world, what would your answer be?

I am sure the answer would be a unanimous one. Our future and the future of our planet is the youth.

Our children will eventually take the reins from our hands and make our legacies forward with much more skill and knowledge than we will ever have.


Would I be wrong to say that the youth needs to be prioritised than anything else?
Would I be wrong to say that the way they grow will decide how our future would grow?
Would I be wrong to say that we should all work to empower our children together?

You can tell me if I am wrong. However, I am sure you would not because I am correct. I have been wrong too many times in my life. Right now, what I am saying, or instead of writing, is the proper notion I have had in my life.

To empower our youth, the organisation I work for and I have devised a game plan that will help our children, the young learners of Belgium stay a step ahead, as they should.

Helping Youth in Education

If you want to grow in life and establish your mark in society with your knowledge and expertise, a great way to do this is through education.

People respect and honour those who have had an impeccable educational record.

If there were two people,

One who has just gotten through High School with the bare minimum GPA;

And the other, who has a Ph. D from a renowned university in Belgium;

  • Whose opinion would you value more?
  • Who would you think will be more knowledgeable?
  • And whose chances are more to get an illustrious career?

For all these questions, the answer would be the Ph. D fellow, right? That is the power of education.

That is how through education, people can elevate

  • Their career goals;
  • Their income levels;
  • And their status in society.

Credit Pont understands this, and that is why we provide Student Tuition Loan in Belgium for all the students in our nation, who aspire to get accomplishments through education.

Convenient Payouts

University education is not cheap. There are thousands of students who do not take up higher education, just because they do not have the means to do it.

Our student loans are the key that will unlock the financial predicament of expensive tuition fees.


The interest rates on this loan are one of the most economical in comparison to the other loans,
The repayments do not start until a year after you have completed your education.
The student can focus on just his education during the four years of college.

These three factors are the reason why students can take up the financial burden of their education without burdening their parents.

Student loans allow a learner to become financially independent even before they are financially independent.

The Additional Support

Sometimes parents willingly take up the burden of their child’s education expenses. The tuition is so exorbitant that the child cannot ask for more from his parents.

Many students take up part-time jobs to get an income for their everyday expenses.

Sometimes, there are such expenses that cannot be compensated with their part-time income. Even in such a scenario, we are there for the young adult.

Microloan in Belgium can be availed by students, provided they have some income source. Even a student’s stipend would be considered as income.

We have had students take up these loans;

  • To pay for the repairs of their car;
  • To buy a new phone or a laptop;
  • And to even get a designer dress for their graduation.

The joy and happiness that the learners express when they get their loan approved is a sight to behold.

In the end, all I want to say is that financial needs never end and because we understand this, whenever a student applies for a loan, we ensure that the approval is guaranteed and immediate.

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